Saturday, December 8, 2018


About the undertaking

Because of the universe of innovation blended with the advancement of this organization (Future energy ) making it feasible for the accomplishment of this stage and standing it out in the wild of Cryptographic money with its uncommon front line exertion, as a foundation and quick change to develop

Future energy  will give its very own power at low rates for the development of the present unit. Promptly after the ICO, 47% of the assets gathered will be utilized for the development of intensity plants and 45% will be utilized to buy mining gear and development of mining modules.

Future energy  will enhance operational expenses for digital money mining using non-customary inexhaustible assets with operational segments. Future Vitality gives productive, prudent, perfect and autonomous vitality supply answers for our mining modules. At present, of our 49 licensed improvements in the field of sustainable power sources and nuclear vitality hotspots for quiet purposes, the vast majority of which have been completed.

Future energy  will update operational expenses for modernized money mining utilizing wellsprings of useful non-custom contacts with operational segments 0. We give fundamental supply designs that are gainful, lightweight, impeccable and autonomous for our mining modules. Starting now and into the foreseeable future, 49 of our improvements have been endorsed in the field of useful assets and problem areas of anxiety of the molecule for calm purposes, a substantial piece of which has been understood.


Future energy  will change the expense of work for mechanized money mining using non-standard spring sources from boundless power impacts with operational parts

The Future energy  venture has created power itself and isn't subject to the focal power organize. An earth cordial approach to get a vitality. Improvements in the field of power age have tackled various issues around us.

Details about the ICO program

FGY Tokens are Ethereum tokens that are used to pay for the capacity of the Future Energy Cryptocurrency Mining project.The initial launch of the token refers to the first public sale of the FGY token.
PREICO: Tokens will be available for purchase from 01.11.2018 to 31.12.2018 for 60 days.
ICO: Tokens will be available for purchase from 01.01.2019 to 31.03.2019 for 90 days.
  • Soft cap (preICO) 500 ETH.
  • Hard cap (perICO) 1500 ETH.
  • Soft Cap (ICO) 12500 ETH.
  • 50000 ETH protective cover (ICO).
1. ) For every 100 tokens sold within a certain period, 15 additional tokens are issued and stored for distribution between team members, partners and consultants.
2. ) The price per issued token: ETH is equal to 0.0035 to 0.005 ETH, depending on the date of purchase.
3. ) Payment Methods Received: Ether (ETH).

Token Info

  • Token: FGY
  • Platform: Ethereum
  • Token Price: 1 FGY = 1 USD
  • Minimum purchase: 1
  • Currency FGY: BTC, ETH
  • Tokens for sale: 35,000,000 FGY
  • The purpose of funding (Soft stamp): 3,500,000 USD
  • Funding purpose (Hard cap): 35,000,000 USD


The use of funds collected 47% of the funds collected is used to build facilities that produce their own energy. 45% of the funds collected are used for mining development and mining purchases. This will be installed in our mine with an electricity tariff of 0.05 c per 1 kW / hour for the plant construction period with its own generation, which allows FGY operators to immediately generate revenue from the mining industry.


AUTHOR: saleesha88
ETH: 0xF527e8dFBC399B477CbF3D855B875881C17e98b6 ICO REVIEW


What is a W12?

W12 hosts made a decentralized foundation where gatherings don't have to confide in one another.

This convention has additionally utilized blockchain innovation to guarantee straightforwardness and exchange tending to, savvy contracts, and Prophet to guarantee control of the usage of the fundamental phases of the undertaking guide. The W12 arrangement additionally incorporates a stage that enables undertakings to raise assets through moving tokens without starting charges or exceptional specialized learning.

This stage likewise serves to help future customers and banding together with organizations on crypto financing to access the best profits for use as a choice to work with the overseeing gathering to set up the assignment as entering the ICO showcase since it offers the utilization of products and enterprises as comes back with works - improvement fill in as an involving stage to associate with stage utilize on the grounds that possibly they furnish returns like easily of the executives and capabilities to possess the blockchain stage discharge from crafted by the W12IO engineer.

The W-12 intends to decrease hazard and gainfulness development at the underlying test level for financial specialists around the globe. This stage represents a risk to the errands of expanding assets without expenses without the craving for specialized mastery by making a situation where the undertaking's way from thought to effective exchanging may likewise be short.

KeyW12 Points of interest:

By expanding the consequences of the underlying period of the task venture in excess of multiple times through acquiring tokens and decreasing danger for financial specialists.

Returns up to 95% of assets put resources into activities that have not been acknowledged to financial specialists.

Gives the likelihood to restrain the offer of tokens by speculators in the underlying phase of trade, after the ICO to keep a reduction in the cost of tokens (when the venture initiates the Token Hold work).

Improve the selection of activities by private financial specialists and exchange assets to confide in the board experts.

Enables ventures to draw in financing rapidly without beginning expenses or extraordinary specialized mastery.

Also, make foundation for decentralizing capital and setting new norms for safe interest in undertakings.

W12 mission:

Making a decentralized situation and framework where trust between

superfluous gatherings in a wide range of understandings and every single disputable issue can be settled rapidly,

straightforward and expected to.

W12 Vision:

To end up the biggest worldwide stage that will change built up incorporated ways

appealing money, which is at present constrained by geological and political structure. To give

each financial specialist on the planet with a decentralized arrangement that will fabricate a worldwide future for the world.

This stage will give financial specialists access to undertaking creation dependent on the standards of advanced economy and new decentralization. The W12 blockchain convention enables financial specialists to build assets through insightful contracts in fundamental expressions after the finish of the guide. The satisfaction organize is affirmed by casting a ballot by financial specialists.

W12 ICO Token

Detail:W12 ICO Token
Price1 W12 = 0.0002625 ETH
AcceptingETH, LTC, BTC
Hard cap22500 ETH
Whitelist/KYCKYC & Whitelist
Restricted areasUSA
